Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Laural and Hardy Return To Point Pleasant

Oliver...Stanley, Looks like Point Pleasant is back in the "black" financially! Wow, what a turnaround!

Stan...Yea, a million dollars of debt wiped out in just a year. Wonder how that happened?

Oliver...Well, all the Council members are busy patting each other on the back for fiscal responsibility and good practices! Kudos though to Remmig for saying he wants to see the final numbers! Too bad he's not continuing on the Council. He is a good egg, and was just getting started with his knowledge of local government operations.

Stan...Not one of the Council members had the political courage to mention that the debt was reduced primarily because the Council chose to RAISE TAXES in the middle of a recession so bad that it is described as the worst since the great depression. Only the Mayor had the guts to say that he would not vote for a return of any of the surplus to the residents in the form of tax relief, because he has other ways he would like to spend the money! Maybe he wants to use the money to jump start the Wine Festival...you know the one that the Chamber of Commerce opposes. Wonder how he plans to get around the fact that without Chamber support, the Festival has absolutely no chance to get off the ground.

Oliver...Seems like the Council is still struggling to even consider a strategic plan for the Boro. No plan, no accountability, no results. They are just too busy with "other stuff". What that is nobody knows...there is no communication from the Council.

Stan...Ollie, you are wrong. There appears to be a plan...keep raising taxes and drive out of town as many senior citizens as possible. A few years ago a Councilperson publicly stated, "If you can't afford the taxes in the Boro, MOVE"! Now that is a perfect point of view! How dare anyone challenge the tax structure, spending, and accountability?

Oliver...Business as usual...a "usual" that is adrift!

What do you think!

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