Monday, August 20, 2012

The Politician Two Step

Ever wonder why people "change" when they are elected to public office? I have, and it is on this point that I can not support President Obama for reelection.The President made a lot of promises during his bid for office. He has kept very few of them.

The same is true for the current crop of Point Pleasant Boro Council politicians.

Let's look at the record...

Sabosik on taxes as a candidate..." I think it is unreasonable for local taxpayers to continue to endure any further property tax increases given the current financial climate". Mr. Sabosik voted for a tax increase last year during the recession and appears to support a tax increase this year as well.

Wisniewski on taxes as a candidate..." NJ property taxes are already the highest in the entire nation, and something has to be done to curb the ever increasing tax burden for NJ residents. If elected, I will not support further property tax increases during these economic times". Mr. Wisniewski is apparently poised to vote for a property tax increase this year.

DePayola on taxes as a candidate..." The Boro taxes are too high and  local government spending needs to be brought under closer scrutiny". Ms. DePayola voted for a property tax increase during the recession and appears to be poised to vote for another tax increase this year.

Borowsky recently appointed to the Council...Don't know where he stands, but he belongs to a party (Rpublican) that has steadfastly maintained that it is bad public policy to increase taxes for any one under any circumstances in this economic environment. We will see what he stands for on taxes very shortly.

As for Schroeder, Leitner and Goss...They are typical tax and spend Democrats. As the saying goes...they never met a tax they didn't like.

The financial condition of the Boro continues to be a great mystery.

Let's not forget the immediate past...
  • Several years ago the Council admitted the Boro finances were "a mess". Nobody AT ALL knew precisely what was the financial standing of the Boro. Financial records were wrong or missing, accounting procedures were non existent and thousands of dollars had to be spent to try to reconstruct the financial records of the Boro.
  • Citizens were informed a property tax increase was necessary to correct matters even if it was in the middle of a recession.
  • Water and sewer fees had to surcharged to correct errors. The following year the surcharge was made permanent...surprise, surprise!
  • This year the Council announced that the financial recovery of the Boro had occurred. The Mayor announced that in view of the financial "come-back" the Boro would be hiring two new policeman.
  • The Council members were so busy patting themselves on the back for their financial efficacy, they neglected to notice that the recovery disappeared as magically as it appeared. They also failed to mention that any so-called recovery was due in large part to the tax increase they hoisted on taxpayers during the recession.
  • Whoops! The Boro's financial recovery didn't materialize, so we are going to have to increase your taxes again this year.
Let's note too that there has NEVER been  any accountability for the financial mess of the Boro...Not any of the Council members whose responsibility was the financial integrity of the Boro, not any of the highly paid executives we employ, no one! The Council has apparently taken the position that the financial problems JUST HAPPENED and let's forget it and move on.

Now, we are facing another tax increase in the Boro. It appears the Council added up all the expenses, including two new policemen, and found themselves, let's just increase taxes!

The situation would be laughable if it weren't funny any longer. Towns and cities all over the nation are going bankrupt. There appears to be all kinds of reasons for such bankruptcies, but it comes down to just one thing...spending other people's money that the politicians don't have!

When the tax increase occurs, and it will, let's note who voted for the increase. The only accountability left for the Boro's taxpayers is at the ballot box!

What do you think?

PS Have you noticed that these very same politicians who profess to be "in touch" with the public fail to show up at any locally sponsored events. For example, a recent car show sponsored by the PPB Rotary Club had a prize called the Mayor's Award. It was an embarrassment that he was not there to hand out the award. In fact, the Council members show up for very few civic events. Ever wonder why? There is an answer...would you show up with the possibility that you might have to answer some questions about Boro policies and finances? Probably not!

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